

Trajectories of childhood bullying behaviors and conduct problems: Associations with cognitive functioning in a nationally-representative cohort study.

Thériault-Couture, F., Agnew-Blais, J., Carter Leno, V., Danese,A., Ganesan, K., Matthews, T., Morneau-Vaillancourt, G., Thompson, K.N., Shakoor, S., & Arseneault, L. Development. (2024). Developmental Psychology,

The Overlap of Disordered Eating, Autism and ADHD: Future Research Priorities as Identified by Adults with Lived Experience.

Keller, J., Herle, M., Mandy, W., & Carter Leno, V. (2024). The Lancet Psychiatry, 10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00186-X. Head over to our Engagement Page to download an Easy to Read summary document of this paper.


No association between alexithymia and emotion recognition ortheory of mind in a sample of adolescents enhanced for autistic traits.

Moraitopoulou, G.*, Pickard H.*, Simonoff, E., Pickles, A., Bedford, R., CarterLeno, V. (2023). Autism. DOI: 10.1177/13623613231221928.

Theroles of sensory hyperreactivity and hyporeactivity in understanding infantfearfulness and emerging autistic traits.

Narverkar, N.*, Carter Leno, V.* M.,Pasco, G., Johnson, M. H., Jones, E. J., Charman, T., & Team, B. (2023). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13941.

Testing the Social Motivation Theory of Autism: TheRole of Co-occurring Anxiety.

Bagg, E., Pickard, H., Tan, M., Smith, T.J, Simonoff, E, Pickles, A., CarterLeno, V., Bedford, R. (2023). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. DOI:10.1111/jcpp.13925.


Interactionsbetween Alterations in Infant Excitation/Inhibition Balance and Executive Attention Predict Autistic Traits in Childhood.

Carter Leno, V., Begum-Ali,J., Goodwin, A., Mason, L., Pasco, G., Pickles, A., Garg, S., Green, J., Charman,T., Johnson, M. H., Jones, E. J. H., the EDEN & STAARS Teams. (2022). DOI: 10.1186/s13229-022-00526-1. Molecular Autism

Emotion Recognition in Autism and Callous UnemotionalTraits: Differential Effects of Cueing to the Eyes.

Carter Leno, V.*, Pickard,H.*, Cybulska, L., Smith, T., Munafo, M., Penton-Voak, I., Simonoff, E., Pickles,A., Bedford, R. (2022). DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13736. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Longitudinal Associations between Preschool Irritability and Adolescent Depression Symptomsin Autistic Children are Mediated by Peer Relationships but Not Educational Engagement.

Carter Leno, V., Wright,N., Pickles, A, Bedford, R, Zaidman-Zait, A…, the Pathways in ASD Study Team. (2022). Accepted/Inpress. Development and Psychopathology.

Effects of a parenting intervention for emotional andbehavioral problems in young autistic children under conditions of enhanceduncertainty: Two-year follow-up of a pilot randomized controlled trial cohort(ASTAR) during the UK COVID-19 pandemic.

Palmer, M.*, Carter Leno, V.*, Hallett,V., Mueller, J., Breese, L., Pickles, A., Slonims, V., Scott, S., Charman, T.,Simonoff, E. (2022). DOI: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Candidate diagnostic biomarkers for neurodevelopmental disorders inchildren and adolescents: a systematic review.

Cortese,S., Solmi, M., Michelini, G., Bellato, A., Blanner. C., Canozzi., A.,Eudave-Ramos. L., Farhat. L., Højlund, M., Köhler-Forsberg. O., Leffa, D.,Rohde, C., Salazar de Pablo, G., Vita, G., Wesselhoeft, R., Martin, J.,Baumeister, S., Bozhilova, N., Carlisi, C., Carter Leno, V., Floris, D.,Holz, N., Kraaijenvanger, E., Sacu, S., Vainieri, I., Ostuzzi, G., Barbui, C.,Correll. C.(2022).  World Psychiatry. DOI:10.1002/wps.21037

Psychiatric Conditions in AutisticAdolescents: Longitudinal Stability from Childhood and Associated Risk Factors.

Hollocks,M.*, Carter Leno, V.*, Chandler, S.,White, P., Yorke, I., Pickles, A., Charman, T., Simonoff, E. (2022).  DOI: 10.1007/s00787-022-02065-9. European Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Pathways to Adaptive Functioning in Autism from Early Childhood toAdolescence.

Chandler,S., Carter Leno, V., White, P.,Yorke, I., Hollocks, M., Pickles, A., Charman, T., Simonoff, E.  (2022).  Autism Research. DOI:

Homotypic and Heterotypic Continuity inPsychiatric Symptoms from Childhood to Adolescence in Autistic Youth.

Carter Leno, V.*, Hollocks, M.*, Chandler, S.,White, P., Yorke, I., Pickles, A., Charman, T., Simonoff, E. (2022).  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 61(12),1445-1454. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2022.05.010

Associations between childhood autistic traits and adolescent eating disorder behaviours are partially mediated by fussy eating

Carter Leno. V., NadiaMicali, N. Bryant-Waugh, R., Herle, M. (2022) European Eating Disorders Review. DOI: 10.1002/erv.2902

Parent, Teacher and ObservationalReports of Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Young Autistic Children.

Palmer, M., Tarver, J., Carter Leno, V., Paris Perez, J., Frayne, M.,Slonims, V., Pickles, A., Scott, S., Charman, T., Simonoff, E. (2022).  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-021-05421-x


A Prospective Study of Associations between Early Fearfulness and Perceptual Sensitivity and Later Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours in Infants with Typical and Elevated Likelihood of Autism

Narvekar, N.*, Carter Leno, V.*, Pasco,G., Johnson, M.H., Jones, E.J.H., Charman, T., and the BASIS Team. (2021).  Autism. DOI:10.1177/13623613211068932.

Exposure to Family Stressful Life Events in Autistic Children: Longitudinal Associations with Mental Health and the Moderating Role of Cognitive Flexibility.

Carter Leno, V.*, Wright,N.*, Pickles, A, Bedford, R, Zaidman-Zait, A…, the Pathways in ASD Study Team. (2021). Autism,26(7), 1656-1667. DOI: 10.1177/13623613211061932

Behavioural and Physiological Response to Frustration in Autistic Youth: Associations with Irritability.

Carter Leno, V., Forth, G., Chandler, S., White,P., Yorke, I., Charman, T., Pickles, A., Simonoff, E. (2021).  Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 13(27). DOI:10.1186/s11689-021-09374-1

Association between spectral EEG power and autism risk and diagnosis in early development.

Huberty, S., Carter Leno, V., vanNoordt, S., Bedford, R., Pickles, A., Desjardins, J., Webb, S.J., Elsabbagh, M.(2021).  Autism Research, 14(7), 1390-1403.DOI: 10.1002/aur.2518


Testing the specificity of executive functioning impairments inadolescents with ADHD, ODD/CD and ASD.

Carter Leno, V., Chandler, S., White, P.,Pickles, A., Baird, G., Hobson, C., Smith, A.B., Charman, T., Simonoff, E.(2017).  European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27(7), 899-908; DOI:10.1007/s00787-017-1089-5.


Common and distinct modulation of electrophysiological indices of feedback processing by autistic and psychopathic traits.

Carter Leno, V., Naples, A.J., Cox, A.,Rutherford, H., & McPartland, J.C. (2015). Social Neuroscience, 1-12; DOI:10.1080/17470919.2015.1108223.

Callous-unemotionaltraits in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: common but not necessarilyassociated with antisocial behaviour.

Carter Leno V., Charman, T., Jones, C., Happé,F., Baird, G., Pickles, A., & Simonoff, E. (2015). British Journal of Psychiatry, 207(5), 392-9; DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.114.159863.  

Alexithymia in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Its Relationship toInternalising Difficulties, Sensory Modulation and Social Cognition.

MilosavljevicB., Carter Leno, V., Simonoff, E.,Baird, G., Pickles, A., Jones, C., Erskine, C., Charman, T., Happé, F. (2015). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(4), 1354–1367; DOI: 10.1007/s10803-015-2670-8.


Alterations in Electrophysiological Indices of Perceptual Processing are Associated with Co-occurring Emotional and Behavioural Problems in Adolescents with ASD.

Carter Leno, V., Chandler, S., White, P., Yorke,I., Charman, T., Pickles, A., Simonoff, E. (2018). Molecular Autism, 5, 50; DOI:10.1186/s13229-018-0236-2

Resting-state alpha power is selectively associated with autistic traits reflecting behavioral rigidity.

Carter Leno, V.*, Tomlinson, S.B.*, Chang, A.S.,Naples A.J., McPartland J.C. (2018).  Scientific Reports, 8, 11982; DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-30445-2.  

Exploring the Neurocognitive Correlates of ChallengingBehaviours in Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Carter Leno, V., Vitoratou, S., Kent, R.,Charman, T., Chandler, S., Jones, C., Happé, F., Baird, G., Pickles, A.,Simonoff, E. (2018).  Autism, 1-13; DOI: 10.1177/1362361318769176.


12-Month Peak Alpha Frequency is a Correlate ButNot a Longitudinal Predictor of Non-Verbal Cognitive Abilities in Infants atLow and High Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Carter Leno, V., Pickles, A., van Noordt, S., Huberty, S., Desjardins, J., Webb,S.J., Elsabbagh, M. (2021). Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 48:100938. DOI: 10.1016/j.dcn.2021.100938

Emotion Recognition Performance in Children with CallousUnemotional Traits is Modulated by Co-occurring Autistic Traits.

Bedford, R.*, Carter Leno, V.*, Wright,N., Bluett-Duncan, M., Smith, T. J., Anzures, G., Pickles, A., Sharp, H., &Hill, J. (2020).  Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2020.1833338.

Associations between theory of mind and conduct problems in autistic and non-autistic youth.

Carter Leno, V., Chandler, S., White, P., Yorke,I., Charman, T., Pickles, A., Simonoff, E. (2020). Autism Research. DOI: 10.1002/aur.2346.

Callous-unemotional traits in youth with ASD: Replication of prevalence estimates and associations with gaze patterns when viewing fearful faces.

Carter Leno, V., Bedford, R., Chandler, S.,White, P., Yorke, I., Charman, T., Pickles, A., Simonoff, E. (2020). Development and Psychopathology, 33(4), 1220-1228. DOI: 10.1017/S0954579420000449.