Our Research

Our research seeks to better understand the role of differences in brain and cognitive functioning in explaining variability in children's emotional, social and behavioural development. We use a variety of methodologies such as EEG, eye-tracking, behavioural tasks and questionnaires. We combine this with advanced statistical methods that can handle complex and longitudinal data such as structural equation models.

See below for a selection of our current and previous projects.

Current Project


This project seeks to understand what drives individual differences in childhood sensory responsivity, and in particular why some children appear to be more sensitive to everyday sensory inputs. We hope this research will give insight into how to best support children with sensory-related challenges. We will soon be recruiting children aged three years for this project!

Key Publications

  • Narverkar, N.*, Carter Leno, V.* M.,Pasco, G., Johnson, M. H., Jones, E. J., Charman, T., & Team, B. (2023). Theroles of sensory hyperreactivity and hyporeactivity in understanding infantfearfulness and emerging autistic traits. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13941
  • Narvekar, N.*, Carter Leno, V.*, Pasco,G., Johnson, M.H., Jones, E.J.H., Charman, T., and the BASIS Team. (2021). A Prospective Study of Associations between Early Fearfulness and Perceptual Sensitivity and Later Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours in Infants withTypical and Elevated Likelihood of Autism. Autism. DOI:10.1177/13623613211068932.

Previous Projects

Neurodiversity and Disordered Eating Priority Setting Project

This project sought to understand what researchers should focus on to better understand the overlap of disordered eating and autism/ADHD. We conducted an online survey, followed up with an in-depth workshop, to hear from people with lived experience what they felt the Top 10 Priorities for future research should be. We hope this will encourage funding and research in this field to be in line with stakeholder priorities.

Key Publications

  • Keller, J., Herle, M., Mandy, W., & Carter Leno, V. (2024). The Overlap of Disordered Eating, Autism and ADHD: Future Research Priorities asIdentified by Adults with Lived Experience. Under review.


This project sought to map profiles of cognition, motivation and attention across children with differences in social and emotional needs. Often in childhood mental health, many diagnoses co-occur, making it hard to understand which profiles of cognitive functioning are specific to a given condition and which be markers of transdiagnostic vulnerability. This project collected in-depth information about profiles of cognitive functioning in a sample of 10 - 16 year olds, enhanced for social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

Key Publications

  • Carter Leno, V.*, Pickard, H.*, Cybulska, L., Smith, T., Munafo, M., Penton-Voak, I., Simonoff, E., Pickles,A., Bedford, R. (2022). Emotion Recognition in Autism and Callous UnemotionalTraits: Differential Effects of Cueing to the Eyes. Journal of ChildPsychology and Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13736.
  • Moraitopoulou, G.*, Pickard H.*, Simonoff, E., Pickles, A., Bedford, R., Carter Leno, V. (2023). No association between alexithymia and emotion recognition ortheory of mind in a sample of adolescents enhanced for autistic traits. Autism.DOI: 10.1177/13623613231221928
  • Bagg, E., Pickard, H., Tan, M., Smith, T.J, Simonoff, E, Pickles, A., Carter Leno, V., Bedford, R. (2023). Testing the Social Motivation Theory of Autism: TheRole of Co-occurring Anxiety. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. DOI:10.1111/jcpp.13925

Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowship

This fellowship focused on applying complex statistical models to better estimate and understand developmental mechanisms and trajectories relevant to autistic mental health

Key Publications

Collaboration with Pathways Group:

  • Carter Leno, V.*, Wright, N.*, Pickles, A, Bedford, R, Zaidman-Zait, A…, the Pathways in ASD Study Team. (2021). Exposure to Family Stressful Life Events in Autistic Children: Longitudinal Associations with Mental Health and the Moderating Role of Cognitive Flexibility. Autism,26(7), 1656-1667. DOI: 10.1177/13623613211061932
  • Carter Leno, V.,Wright, N., Pickles, A, Bedford, R, Zaidman-Zait,A…, the Pathways in ASD Study Team. (2022). Longitudinal Associations between Preschool Irritability and Adolescent Depression Symptoms in Autistic Children are Mediated by Peer Relationships but Not Educational Engagement. Developmentand Psychopathology

Collaboration with BASIS Group:

  • Carter Leno, V., Begum-Ali,J., Goodwin, A., Mason, L., Pasco, G., Pickles, A., Garg, S., Green, J., Charman,T., Johnson, M. H., Jones, E. J. H., the EDEN & STAARS Teams. (2022). Interactionsbetween Alterations in Infant Excitation/Inhibition Balance and ExecutiveAttention Predict Autistic Traits in Childhood. Molecular Autism. DOI: 10.1186/s13229-022-00526-1


This work was led by Professor Emily Simonoff at King's College London. The aim of the project was to better understand the stability and predictors of mental health challenges in autistic youth.

Key Publications

  • Carter Leno, V.*, Hollocks, M.*, Chandler, S.,White, P., Yorke, I., Pickles, A., Charman, T., Simonoff, E. (2022). Homotypic and Heterotypic Continuity inPsychiatric Symptoms from Childhood to Adolescence in Autistic Youth. Journalof the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 61(12),1445-1454. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2022.05.010
  • Hollocks,M.*, Carter Leno, V.*, Chandler, S.,White, P., Yorke, I., Pickles, A., Charman, T., Simonoff, E. (2022). Psychiatric Conditions in AutisticAdolescents: Longitudinal Stability from Childhood and Associated Risk Factors.European Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1007/s00787-022-02065-9
  • Palmer, M.*, Carter Leno, V.*, Hallett,V., Mueller, J., Breese, L., Pickles, A., Slonims, V., Scott, S., Charman, T.,Simonoff, E. (2022). Effects of a parenting intervention for emotional and behavioral problems in young autistic children under conditions of enhanced uncertainty: Two-year follow-up of a pilot randomized controlled trial cohort(ASTAR) during the UK COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the American Academy ofChild and Adolescent Psychiatry. DOI: